My Da's axle keeps breaking

hey guys idk whats wrong with my drivers side axle i have replaced like 3 already in less than a week i would put it in all the way and they pop out of the boot or they just broke my cars an 92 LS with a b17 tranny but its every time i do a left or a u-turn it just pops out or breaks so what might be wrong with it

autozone axle? they kept popping out on me too, the last time it happend i was on the freeway it ended up smashing a fist sized hole in the transmission case. i replaced it with an autozone axle but use an oem honda axle retaining clips, hasnt popped out since, though i have put 3 different transmissions in since then haha

damn dude thats crazy wat are those honda axle retaining clips?

What axles are you getting? What i mean is,are you using DA axles (NON ABS) or DA ABS ones. Its a good possibility you’re getting the wrong axle size being you have a b17 tranny. Take your old ones in (THE ONES THAT WORKED BEFORE) and compare them side to side.

its in the upper left hand side of this pic, it says retaining ring, theyre 3 bucks each at honda dealership and well worth it

ABS and non ABS axle are the same just ABS axles have a ring that’s just slides on to them. I have been having axle problems for 5 years. you have to find stock ones!! they last longer.
you should not have to replaces your axle just change the cv boots before they start to click a guy at pro street imports told me to try dc axles he thinks they are just stronger all you need is the half shaft…

lowering the car is the main reason axles get damage stock can handle them or stage 1(what i have now) cheep Chinese axles can only handle a stock car.
My stage ones been on the car for about 2years the boots rip very often and the click alil.
better then the cheep Chinese axles the car would shake badly… I am going to put dc axles next

what i did was buy the same side axle of one side and it worked hasnt broken yet

you need to make sure it locks in when installing them, it should be hard to pull it out by hand or pry bar.