not sure if I ever shared this with you guys… g2tegra and JGibbs’ tegs from 2005. enjoy! the jasper is now owned by TegYoungin
Haha cool vid man.
Nice! I liked the little reverse turn around thing.
its fun for me to watch and see the tegs in motion. I’m hoping to get another one this year… we shall see
this vid was on of the first vids i ever favorited on youtube.
thanks!!! :rockon:
damn this vid is def OG I remember this back when I got my 1st DA lol!! what ever happened to all those G2ic’s vid’s anyway? like Schu’s tunnel runs and that Tribute vid to that one member can’t remember his screename…:read:
Nice video:rockon: I was thinking,we all should make a video of all the G2IC members cars.
Haha this is my brothers teg. Its the reason why i bought mine.
hey hey you posted up my cars vid. haha i have done anything like that with it! but its cool seeing it.
its 2005 so yeah anyone remembering it from back then is OG. But the legend lives on!!!
uggg, I hate greenday. cool video thougt:up:
that DA pulls for a B20 :rockon:
green day??? where did that come from?
the song is called the anthem by good charlotte
the legend lives on through me. haha hey tina on may 8th or something im going to that sierra tahoe meet with my bro.
HAHA, opps I always thought that was greenday. I’m a hip hop Head, so I wouldn’t know the difference:D
eff minus! i’m stuck in monterey until may 22. grr.