NEED HELP!!! crank pulley bolt...tri, g2guru or anyone!

:mad: ok, here’s the dilly…the engine is out and i’m disassembeling the engine because i wanna rebuild it…i’ve taken the cylinder head off so far…should i put it back on along with the timing belt? i’m thinking that’s the only way…tri, g2guru or anyone…what can i do…any help would be very helpful…thanks!:up:

Call me Jesse or email me we’ll talk

whats goin on?? you tryna take off the crank pulley bolts?

ok tri…i’ve just emailed you

do a search using my member name and there are at least 4 different posts on this. Go to a tire shop and have them loosen it up, but make sure they don’t loosen it completely, and drive carefully back home then from there jack the car up, put the tranny in gear and have someone stepp on the brakes. The bolt should come off fairly easy. HTH
