need help installing ITR VSS to custer

Hey whats up guys. I need some help installing my VSS out of my ITR hydro tranny. I know our VSS on our 92-93 are cable driven unlike the 94-01 tranny that use a sensor with 3 cables… does anyone here has a write up or can link me to a DIY install. i have a JDM KMH DA cluster and want my Vehicle Speed to work.

any help would be appreciated. My chassy is a 1993 RS and the tranny is a 1996 ITR tranny. some people have told me all i have to do is connect those 3 wires out of the VSS to the cluster harness… but i dont know which cables to connect to. a diagram… or a simple explanation would be awesome!

am sure one is power, the other ground and last signal. i just dont know where to hook it up

Not familiar with that cluster, but I assume its also cable driven? I have not run across any conversions, but my guess is that most people opt for a cluster that supports an electronic speed sensor.

yes my Da cluster reads in KMH intead of MPH and it red lines at 9000 rpm over the usdm that redline like 7500-8000. Most write ups i seen people change the clusters and i also read that some people swap VSS in the tranny and install the cable mechanism in the hydro tranny… i just hate that my s300 ecu brings a check engine light for the speedo not working… its annoying lol.

If you install an electric VSS in your trans then your speedo isn’t going to work. The only way for your speedo to work is use a cable VSS - unless of course you install a different cluster or did some kind of custom speedo swap.

If you install a cable VSS your CEL should go away. Your car has a vehicle speed signal wire even if the VSS is cable. Basically the trans spins the VSS then spins the cable, this sends the vehicle speed (mechanically) to your speedometer and within that mechanism the speed is converted into an electrical signal which is routed to your ECU. The ECU shouldn’t be able to tell, or care, whether the VSS is cable or elec nor whether your cluster is mph or kph. At least that’s how I understand it to work. And that’s how it works on my friend’s EF and he has an S300 just like you.

If you already tried the cable VSS and you’re still getting the CEL then I’d start troubleshooting because I’d assume something else is wrong.

I can confirm what Colin said - if you use a DA cable driven cluster the CEL will come on if the cable doesn’t “spin” the gauges and get a reading above 20mph. Even if you somehow get the electronic one to work from the new trans with Hondata, you will need to swap the speed ring on the differential and make the cable work (and avoid a CEL).

[QUOTE=Colin;2335538]If you install an electric VSS in your trans then your speedo isn’t going to work. The only way for your speedo to work is use a cable VSS - unless of course you install a different cluster or did some kind of custom speedo swap.

If you install a cable VSS your CEL should go away. Your car has a vehicle speed signal wire even if the VSS is cable. Basically the trans spins the VSS then spins the cable, this sends the vehicle speed (mechanically) to your speedometer and within that mechanism the speed is converted into an electrical signal which is routed to your ECU. The ECU shouldn’t be able to tell, or care, whether the VSS is cable or elec nor whether your cluster is mph or kph. At least that’s how I understand it to work. And that’s how it works on my friend’s EF and he has an S300 just like you.

If you already tried the cable VSS and you’re still getting the CEL then I’d start troubleshooting because I’d assume something else is wrong.[/QUOTE]

yeah i will need to try to install the cable VSS on my hydro tranny and see if it works. is there a write up on how to do that? or is it just stright bolt in process?

Should just swap right in - remove the electric one and replace with the mechanical one - done.

oh cool… that is very easy to do. ima get to it this weeknd. thanks!