Names Tony and just 2 nights ago some1 smashed my driver side window on my 91 Gs 2 door. Now dont kill me for starting this but i honestly tried searching just culdnt find the right one. so i started one. Well im planning to just go to the junkyard and gettin a new window but i dont know how to take apart my door panel. I practically took out all the visible screws. could pop the bottom off easily , but the top felt like it was glued on. so while i was searching i read that they were hooks so just lift it up and pull out , so i did. now everything actually feels loose but i still cant take it off becuase the area where the Power window switchs are at is stuck. Obviously something is hooked onto it? Can somebody give me a detailed explanation, and White90 where are you wen i need you lol hope you know how to do this. Thanks guy i jsut dont wanna pay hundreds for some1 to juss put a new glass motor still works fine.
buy a haynes book…it will help you for most stuff
,but when i TRIED taking out my passenger side window it was useless, so i badley fucked it up…but just try it $23 isn’t bad & it will help you for more than your window.
Yea i was planing to get one, but all i need is to replace the window then im giving away my DA to my cousin. So i was just hoping if some1 knew how to do this. yea it does seem pretty hard.:surrend: