Need help picking an amp

I am planning on getting Alpine Type R comp. I was wondering what amp you guys would recommend. I was looking at the Alpine MRV-T320 but don’t know if i want to spend that much money. Is there anything else you can think of in the budget of up to $200.

I found an old phoenix gold amp on ebay that was amazing for that price range! You might wanna look into there old titanium series thats like 1-2 years old they normally go cheaper than the new ones! I mean its an amp not mags only peeps you wnat to see it will see it…not like you want every one to see what you have to steal now do you?

I just sold my Alpine MRV 757 ultimate type R sub amp. It was posted in the for sale section and no one wanted it so i sold it for $150. Try searching around im sure you can find used alpines for pretty cheap.

i love alpines fo show. they don’t have crazy dolphins swimming or race cars flying by the track or any graphics like that but they do have hight output and verry outstanding quality. my power is the cda7893a. (silver and blue from 2002 model deck). i love it. but when it comes to the amp and speakers and subs, i go JL. verry good clean quality. their amp is bassed on rms. so when u go buy an alpine like v-12 (verry good) they say its 400 watts but thats peak. when u buy JL 500, they mean 500 RMS. and i heard that most places don’t price up thier JLs becuze they were already expensive to get. they alpine amps onthe other hand were priced up almost 100% frum factory price. (now… these are some stores only but u get the idea)