need help with choice of engine?

alright i need a new engine so i found this engine which is a 1999 b18b has 24,000 kms for a $1000 canadain. what u guys think? and when i do my switch over do i have to recharge my a/c or wil it be fine.

sounds like a good deal…leave your a/c in the car, plenty of room to get the engine in there with the compressor left in

i bought the engine and i bought custom clutch made out of kevalar. that can handle up to 1200 hp.

unless you have a skyline gtr engine in your car, i think that kevlar clutch is going a lil extreme. (that is, unless it lasts forever)

well im going to end up turboing my engine. its a single puck one to. its going to be sweet. but its suppose to last more then 200,000 kms and i got it for $500 canadian whole sale.

Originally posted by G2teglife
well im going to end up turboing my engine. its a single puck one to. its going to be sweet. but its suppose to last more then 200,000 kms and i got it for $500 canadian whole sale.

sounds too good to be true. single puck? do you have a link to the manufacturers website, or better yet who is the manufacturer? :read:


i dont have a website but the shop im getting it from gets it from this guy who makes them himself. the have just finished a sir(si) and with that clutch it can chirp 4 th.