Need help with MSD ignition install- wiring!

My car has a MSD ignition in in since I bought it 5 years ago. The cap and rotor were corroded so I bought a new one. The new one is a modified cap so I had to take out the stock coil-inside the distributor cap. Now I have now clue how the wiring goes. I looked up some stuff online and saw that only the orange and black wires should go to the coil, which they did. My question is what wires do I hook up to the ones that went to the stock coil? I read that the red and white ones went there but the red one was wired to something else and the white one didn’t go to anything. So I wired them in to the wires from the stock coil and it still doesn’t start. I can take a bunch of pictures to show anyone what I’m talking about. I would greatly appreciate help from anyone with knowledge about this. Thanks.

Found a diagram and it’s running good now. Is it normal for the check engine light to come on now that I bypassed (and removed) the factory coil? Luckily G2’s are old as hell and not OBD2 so I’ll just pull the bulb and it will pass inspection anyways.

No, that is not normal. IF you wired it correctly it should not be giving you any CEL codes as a result. First thing you should do is find out what code the CEL is telling you to check out.