NorCal March 28, 2009 Union City[26pic]

Heres some pics from tonight…it was cool meeting most of you.

meet was dope…it was nice meeting all of you

i see those DA’s lights are working great, lol. anyways, nice pics. that 2 toned black and white one looks identical to mine, expect mines white and blue.


thanks for taking the pics looks good. Anyone has the pics during the day?

Yo! next meet who is down to go cruissin with all the DA that would look sik!

ay fuse do you have any day time pics?


thanks for taking the pics looks good. Anyone has the pics during the day?

Yo! next meet who is down to go cruissin with all the DA that would look sik![/QUOTE]

No problem man…theres some day time pics posted on team integra.

i do but I cant post it up here it wont let me. I think I have to pay to post it up. I’ll just put it on myspace haha!

haha fasho!i wanna see the day time pics as well!


Hey guys this was probably the biggest meet and best meet I bin to I met alot of cool people and alot of nice cars came I cant wait for the next meet. I was thinking sense Hot Import nights is next sat we should all meet up at union city of somewhere and do a drive to the show. who with me?

yeah…the meet had a good turnout and this is my first meet i ever been too.

Hey where are the pics where everyone is leaning on there cars pic

those were posted on team integra

this Saturdays BBQ PHOTO SHOOT is still on at the Lake Elizabeth. if you want to go its at 3pm on the 4th so we all have the time to take day time pics and eat and after every one thats going to HIN can all ride together to the show. lets get the lest going.

Hear are some other pics.

this meet was fun the pics and videos look great

Pics kinda suck dick but the turnout looks great…

LOL i hope mine doesnt…

LOL nah just saying in general that the pics suck cuz the lighting is not as bright so I can’t see some of the details (rims, kits, etc…) on the tegs. Good turn out though…