not quiet a DA but still...

Awesome contribution bro.

Just because some of us stick around long after our integra is gone, doesn’t mean we haven’t contributed more to the site than either of you two knuckle-draggers will ever hope to. :up:

Information doesn’t have to be recent in order to be worthwhile and valuable. Not that I did it so some retard on the internet liked me more. :shrug:

Not feeling it…

[QUOTE=armedferret;2300784]Awesome contribution bro.

Just because some of us stick around long after our integra is gone, doesn’t mean we haven’t contributed more to the site than either of you two knuckle-draggers will ever hope to. :up:

Information doesn’t have to be recent in order to be worthwhile and valuable. Not that I did it so some retard on the internet liked me more. :shrug:[/QUOTE]

I fall into the category of no longer owning an Integra… but do still hang out to offer advice over in the mechanical threads et al…
so I got no idea where you base your claim even if you have been here that many more years than I have fucker… SMH

[QUOTE=djzachtyler;2300987]I fall into the category of no longer owning an Integra… but do still hang out to offer advice over in the mechanical threads et al…
so I got no idea where you base your claim even if you have been here that many more years than I have fucker… SMH[/QUOTE]

you got no idea eh?

those are the first three i still have bookmarked. but yeah, i’m just an asshole who doesn’t help anyone.

(also did a huge write-up on the legend front/ep3 rear brake upgrade, but yeah i’m sure that doesn’t count either)

eat a bag of dicks, k? k.

I never called your contributions into question bud… but hey if ya wanna be a dickhead go right ahead and be an ass… why not shove your head back up your horse ass while you are at it.
I gues every forum wouldn’t be complete without it’s token self entitled asshole to keep it afloat.

might wanna re-read your own posts. there are things you can do (mental exercises, prescription meds, etc.) to improve your memory function. :up: