not too happy

a couple weeks ago i replaced four new brembo blank rotors and metal master on all four corners and it still make noise. why is that? i know its not the rotors and pads cause they are good quality. could it be my mechanic, he’s the one that did all the installations. i will call him back to fix the problem and is there anything i should let him know. this time i will watch him carefully. what do i need for him to do. any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Actually, it very likely is your pads… some of the best pads make a lot of noise, but they’ll still stop faster!

Originally posted by 90RioGS
Actually, it very likely is your pads… some of the best pads make a lot of noise, but they’ll still stop faster!

High perf. pads are much harder than OEM replacements therefore creating more friction and better stopping power.
OEM’s are designed to be quiet with a soft compound but they usually throw more dust as well.

so theres no way to make it quiet? only if i knew oem pads are quiet i would’ve bought it. cause i like my brakes to be smooth and quiet. but still i’ll have my mechanic look into it. thanx guys.

You may want to use anti-squeel compound on the backside of the pad if you havn’t already tried that.

yeah my mechanic did used anti-squeal on it. but i didn’t see him use that much though could that be the problem? let me know cause he will come fix it asap.