OBD0 Distributor question.

Ok so I’m having issues with my timing and I’m pretty sure the culprit is the distributor. When I bought the car the distributor was already pretty much all the way advanced. When I did the auto-manual/B20 swap I can’t get the timing to spec at all. It’s always at 12 BTDC with the distributor all the way advanced.

So today I was looking at the Acura Eparts section looking for parts and found out that there is different part numbers between the auto and manual transmissions for distributors.

Auto: 30100-PR4-A53 (Td-24U)
Manual: 30100-PR4-A03 (Td-23U)

So my question is does anybody know what the difference is?

I think both dizzys are the same.they both have the same internals.

I’m just curious because the only difference is the part number of the internals. The internals for one is td-24u and the other td-23u.

Are you jumoing the service connector when adjusting the distributor?

Yep and mechanical timing was checked multiple times. I have a strong feeling it is the distributor because when I bought the car the distributor was all the way advanced and barely passed smogged.

it probably is the distributor. if the part numbers are different, there must be a difference. if externally they look identical, it must be internal. maybe the icm. i dunno. but if the valve timing is spot on, there’s not much else it coud be. it’s not the pulley,because i’ve done the b20 swap before and had no issues setting base timing

To clarify manual trans distributor did the trick. Either that or i just needed a new distributor.