So how can you tell if you got oem or aftermarket because I know some of the aftermarket ones do come with clips can someone take a picture of theirs and I heard that it doesn’t say integra on it ??? Help
What color are they?
The OEM ones are a bronzish color like rhdgermz posted up. I’ve never seen any replicas that were that same color. They don’t say Integra on them though.
Only the DC Integra window visors ('94-'01) say “Integra” on them. All DA Integra visors are, like aforementioned, bronze in color with a beveled edge and the coupe visors come with four mounting clips (I can’t speak for the sedan versions). Replica visors are usually much darker in color (with a nightshade/black appearance), are much thinner and more narrow. They should come equipped with mounting brackets though, so determining if your visors are indeed OEM will have to be done by looking at the visor itself.
ok thanks guys i guess mines not oem : (
Or are actually clear and good luck finding them
Clear? I would like to see pics.