OG's... You might remember something like this from a while back. Prepare to laugh.

I forgot about the MENSA girl.

Also, do people still do that “JDM” crap?

yes. and i don’t even go to honda-tech anymore.

Oh man this made my week! It’s awesome that you guys kept these pix!

We aim to please, good sir.

i’m just getting started. I have to go through so old computers later.


Every so often… this shit comes up and makes me think “why am i not on this site as often anymore?”

Also on a side note…





You love me and you know it.



If we’re talking about the same person we use to be friends on facebook until pretty much everyone of their postings was something about a 20 + year old 5 speed transmission being the greatest trans ever, i’m a girl and i drive stick, and fat people are lazy if they are fat that must mean that they are failures in All areas of their lives.

sounds like it…

agree with all but the 5-speed portion. :giggle:





As soon as my talon tsi is out of the shop… Noob.

Damnit mark! I was gonna do you weren’t invited.

maybe if you focused more on weightlifting you wouldn’t have missed the opportunity…

I was wondering where you’ve been.
