OG's... You might remember something like this from a while back. Prepare to laugh.

/that will be all.

get the fuck outta here…you win all the internets.

lol. you can’t make this shit up. When I saw this I lost it, completely.

I think it was “Abstractdevotion” who’m we both knew (right jake?) that was once asking about fitting his DB1 in a Uhaul to move out of state.


i know junkman still has his college degree around here somewhere…

Yeah. Wasn’t it more along the lines of DeViOuS, or something like that? I remember abstractdevotion being his yahoo name. His ex-girlfriend, Nicole (or whatever) still lives in my area. Last I had heard, she had gotten married.

lmao! i remember. the whole joke with Ryan and Dustin.

Ohhhh yeahh, You’re right… Good for her. I haven’t heard or seen that fat bastard since I think 2006, Although I did get stalkishly curious once and found out where he lives. Still in San Jose (NorCal)

You almost broke the internet…

Must… moderate… thread… to reduce “awesome” content.


HAHAHAHAHAA, I remember that guy.

anyone wanna buy a yorkie?