Oil Breather Chamber..how does it come off

Anyone know how many bolts or how to take the oil breather chamber. Basically like everyone else i broke off the PCV valve. Then i broke the lower hose that goes to the breather chamber. So now i have a temporary setup but want to fix it. But not sure how many bolts hold this thing on and will i have to move the IM support to get to this

we just pulled off #10 and put a regular filter breather on the car and left the rest… it doesnt seem to bother anything

we also capped off the hole in the intake hose… aftermarket intakes wouldnt have this (atleast my ebay one dont)

and what the HELL does this have to do with what BGdubs92b17 is asking? :stfu: :fingban: :ban:

don’t offer advice that could potentially harm someone else’s car. just because it doesn’t “seem to bother anything” on your car doesn’t mean its good. as we can all tell on this forum, you don’t know what your talking about at all.

why don’t you try reading his question before answering. better yet, don’t reply to anyone’s thread as you have no clue what you are talking about. and don’t even bother to answer with an excuse as to how you read it wrong or with some other idiotic comment.

btw: all aftermarket intakes have an inlet for the pipe that connects the valve cover to the intake.

BGdubs92b17: as far as i remember, theres one bolt as shown in the picture that holds the breather chamber in. remove that and it should just come out, it might take a bit of force. you could access it from beneath the car, although space will be very tight, and it might make you very frustrated in trying to remove it. and for god’s sake, don’t put a breather filter on your valve cover as radzer0 has mentioned.

for what I can remember if you wiggle it a little bit it tends to come out easier. I dont recall if there a bolt or not but on the 2 engines I took apart both required a little wiggle to break it free from the block.

theres a spot on the cold air for the little hose that runs to that thing on the intake… u hold your finger over the hose and the idle comes up… thats all

whats wrong with putting a breather?.. its only polution shit anyways… my cars been havin one on it since before i bought it… ive yet to have a single problem… no oil comes out…


There have been many discussions around why putting a breather filter on your valve cover is not good for the engine. I won’t pretend to know why myself, but I know this has been covered, in great detail in one thread particularly.

You need to stop posting bad information here; you might cause someone damage to their car due to your posting information that is erroneous.

Seriously, either leave G2IC, or at the very least stop posting and read so you can LEARN something of value.

radzer0, just shut the hell up and don’t respond.

this thread isn’t about breather filters nor the spot on the intake. read the damn original post.

its about the BREATHER CHAMBER!

man…you should be banned.


but i guess he thinks he immune to the land of stupidity since hes been here since 2003 and now thinks hes got a great deal of knowledge or something and the fact of actually learning means nothing to him… :shrug:

That is how it would appear unfortunately. It’s just frustrating to me because when I first joined G2IC, I learned SO MUCH by shutting the fuck up and reading. It’s not that hard, and I wish others would put forth the same effort. And even if he’s not going to read and learn, at least don’t post stupid shit that will potentially cause other member’s cars harm. :shrug::tsk:

being i looked back and the post from from beginning of 2003… i didnt notice it before… maybe its why my car has blowby problems wit the rings… i dunno… i posted askin about what i should do wit it and ima see about gettin a hose to see if it helps any… car smokes like a SOB at WOT

and seeing how you just hi-jacked someone else’s thread with your problems, maybe you should think about STARTING YOUR OWN THREAD. :bang:

again for the millionth time, this thread IS ABOUT REMOVING THE BREATHER CHAMBER, not your oil issues and breather filter…sheesh…

You know radzer0, the SEARCH function on this site is irrespective of the date of the thread for which it is searching. In other words, if you’d done a simple search (like I did above) you would have found this thread and many others.

The negates nothing I’ve said. You need to stop posting information that is erroneous. PERIOD.

i don’t think he knows what that word means…



wow this got out of hand…thanks radzer0…so anyways if anything there should be a single bolt holding this on. Anyone know if the IM support bracket needs to be removed first?. Thanks all i’ll be giving this a try manana

Well, this thread hasn’t been active too long; maybe this evening you’ll get some good replies… however, if good info doesn’t surface, maybe you can do a quick write up so that the information is available next time :up:

Good luck maing…

Dead tread revival is my specialty. This question wasnt realy awnsered. Is there a bolt that hold on the oil breater box?

BLKACK1: yes, read post #3, its a bolt that goes through it. You can kinda see it in the exploded view, and if you follow it back to the block in the that view, you can see the hole it bolts up to. I have never taken it off though, so the “wiggling” Junkman is talking about is probably what needs to be done. I would bet that would be required just looking at how it uses an o-ring to seal itself to the block.

good call i guess i meesed that. For future referance there are actualy 2 bolts. one on the bottom of the breater which is actualy the same braket the Manifold down pipe holds on too and there is the one in the very midle of the box (you can see in the picture above) which bolts to the lower IM bracket.