oil leak b18a

My car is leaking oil and it looks like its leaking from where the head and block meet. But then again I think its leaking from either the cam seals or distributor seals. So if someone has had past experience could you help a fellow member out thanks!

If its leaking from distributor side. It’s easy fix. Clean it first and then recheck where it is actually leaking…

it might be your O ring to your distributor or cam seals. Once i changed mine it stopped leaking.

where the head meets the block??? or do your mean where the valve cover meets the head???..

I can’t think of an instance where I’ve seen oil leak from between the head and block. But ANY leak above that line will pool around the head gasket, the trick is to follow the leak up. Like the others said, distributor o-ring, cam end plug, and cam seals are what you should be looking at replacing.

Well it looks like its coming from the valve cover so I’m changing that soon and my spark plug seals cause I.found oil in the 1st spark plug hole and also I’m changing the cam seal. But now my question is do I put silicone on the can seals, valve cover gasket and spark plug seals?

the only place i put silicon for any of those seals is at the corners of the cam arches of the valve cover seal. just a small dab at each corner. make sure those corners are clean and dry so the silicon makes a good bond.
i wouldn’t bother doing the cam seals until you know that they’re leaking for sure. have a good look at them when the valve cover is off.