OK, so my gas tank needle is pointing to the red line...

How long do I have left? LOL, its a 92 GSR. The light kept going on and off on the way home, now it is pretty solid. The needle is even with the red (EMPTY) line. Can I make it to a gas station under 10 miles away?

When my gas light fist goes on, (needle in the red) , I can go about 27 highway miles… You will know how low you are, if when you come to a stop the fuel sloshes, and it never goes off…

the light goes on when you have about 2 gallons left(says the manual.) so, if you take it easy, you could get another 50 miles out of it(if your in town).

haha, great. Thanks for the help guys! I’ll hit the gas station next tiem I go out. I’m gonna fill it up so the next time I get a refill I can tell what kind of MPG I am getting!!! Seems good so far! Thanks again for the help guys!

Beware though, letting your gas run to empty everytime is bad for the engine! There is a lot of leftover junk in your gas tank that sits at the bottom and when you are sucking fuel from the bottom of the gas tank and it gets the yucky gas, its not good for your car.

ok, thanks for the tip, I’ll be careful of that. I got it filled and it cost $19.44. I think I had one gallon to go. Anyway, I set my tripometer and so the search for MPG has begun!

Re: OK, so my gas tank needle is pointing to the red line…

Originally posted by alnen
How long do I have left? LOL, its a 92 GSR. The light kept going on and off on the way home, now it is pretty solid. The needle is even with the red (EMPTY) line. Can I make it to a gas station under 10 miles away?

dude you work at CHEVRON!!:crazy:

Originally posted by surge2k
Beware though, letting your gas run to empty everytime is bad for the engine! There is a lot of leftover junk in your gas tank that sits at the bottom and when you are sucking fuel from the bottom of the gas tank and it gets the yucky gas, its not good for your car.

Isn’t that what a fuel filter is for?

hey quick ? how big is our tank? i always put in 11 gallons but my dad has a 91 gs and he says it takes 14 gallons i think hes mistaken though. someone help me out?

For the 91 LS I believe it is something like 13.2 gallons. Also, my owners manual states that the light comes on when there is approximately one gallon in the tank. Finally, the other reason it isn’t good to run the tank extremely low is that the fuel surrounding the fuel pump is what keeps the pump cool in most cars, so they can get hot and have their life shortened if they are always run low on fuel.

13.somethin to a full tank. my manual says the light comes on when theres 2.4 gallons left.

hey dustin whats the crew thing in yer sig about? and did i read party at jeffs haha. and no wonder i always get crappy milage i only put 11 gallons in!!!

haha. ryan or aaron started this thing, saying “that’ll happen to you” now a lot of the sac members say it. its in jeff and aarons sig too. so, my sig reads…

"that’ll happen to you, when you date Sacramento girls, then you have to join LDR (Lonely Driver Racing). Make sense!? :slight_smile:

Moved from General Discussion.



yea, 13.2

My gas light has NEVER turned on…and trust me, i’ve had less than 1/2 gallon left…

Off to search for an answer!