Oklahoma DA project

amazing custom work man!


I’m still watching this…everything looks fuckin awesome man!

Mind if i come up and check it out when i get my car back in the next few days man? Good stuff you’ve got going on…

nice job on the build so far… about the rsx gauge, will the lights work like check engine light, oil light, etc.?

Sure man, free to come look at it anytime. you still have my number?

Ya, they will all work, except of coarse the srs airbag, and all the others that the integra didn’t have stock.

Thanks, appritiate all the feedback!:rockon:

if anyone has the timing belt covers for sale let me know, I need both top ones! :ok:

Sure do man. Hopefully i’ll have it back by the end of the week, if not, next.

i have a set of timing covers
email me

Alright well let me know then!:slight_smile:

[QUOTE=jaysteven;1825366]i have a set of timing covers
email me[/QUOTE]

Emailed! :ok:

emailed again.

Got more parts.

I am now in the process of wireing in the harness to make it as hard to see as possible. Soldered and heat shrink tubing on all connections. Still have to cover them with the wire loom rubber tube.

Injector wires extended.

Wire harness test fit.

Ethanol fuel treatment that i picked up at work for a $1.80 a bottle, couldn’t pass it up… just to increase the octane some over what the pumps, will give me.

what will that ethanol fuel treatment do?

It says that it:

-Injector & Fuel System Cleaner
-Fuel Stabilizer
-Octane Booster
-Removes Water From Tank
-Oxygenates Fuel
-Increases Power
-Cleans Valves
-Reduces Emissions
-100% Biodegradable
-No Petroleum Distillates

any test done from those that it actually does that?

um, not that I am aware of. My friend i work with said he noticed his car running a liitle smoother with it, not sure though.:roll: