on board computor blowen

I have a 1992 integra gsr. A Capacitor has blown on the main on board computer. Can’t replace just the capacitor because when it blew it burnt a large area of the mother board, so the computer’s mother board is toast. My question is anyone know a good source for a replacement. part # is 37820-p61-L00. The only name i can see on the computer is denshigiken. Thanks

Easiest is to buy a socketed obd1 ecu and load a stock B17 tune.

Thanks, i just talked to my son about it and i think that’s what he suggested.

Xenocron is a good NY option.

Thanks i’ll check them out.

Thanks 92gsrlsvtec, Your suggestion of Xenocron was the ticket. My son seegs84 contacted them and ordered the part and he said they were great to deal with. The part was received in about 3 days. I’m happy to report our GSR is up and running. Thanks again.

Wicked, always happy to help keep a DB2 gsr on the road!