Located in Inverary Ontario, 10 minutes north of Kingston
email: josh-roy@hotmail.com
text: 613 662 2908
B20 Power steering pump 20$
Fuel door cable- 25$
Fuel door black- 20$
Mint tail lights - 70$
bumper signals- 20$
DA Trunk release 30$
DA Center garnish 30$
DA 93 Bumper (non painted, new with new bumpoer support) 150$
Bumper alone- 80$
support alone- 80$
DA FULL Black interior, dash, side panels, pillars, console, everything. 100$
DA Seats with adjustable bolster, no rips or burns 75$
Rear seats, matching fronts with rear carpet - 50$
Or 100$ for both
DA Cargo cover (black, mint) has been wrapped up for a while.35$