? on teg tips for momo hub

alrite i just got a momo wheel along with the hub and was reading the teg tips on installing it( http://www.g2ic.com/tegtips/interior/20.html ). all sounded great until i came across the last part that said “Again, you will not have a horn nor cruise control unless you do the rerouting thing that is mentioned in the teg tips” in # 19. and the rerouting thing doesnt cover the horn. as of right now, i dont care to have the cruise control…just the horn. i wanna install this myself since is seems pretty easy to do but i want my horn to work. anyone got any advice?

thanks alot

Hey dude I’m having the same exact problem. I emailed the dude who wrote the teg tips "relocating cruise control. I asked him if the horn will work if I follow those directions. He said yes it will. I haven’t done the work yet cause i’m skeptical about it. But you might want to try it and tell me if it works. :cross:

The horn should just be 2 wires. once those wires come in contact, the horn turns on. Or it looks likes it’s 1 wire split, a blue/red. It’s tied in with the set/resume switch. it comes in from the harness to the steering wheel, and is attached to the slip ring or contact ring on one side, then the red/blue wire is connected to the other side of the contact ring and goes to the horn switch and set/resume switch. when you press the horn switch, the contact ring makes a through circut it seems.

Look in the Helms manual 23-181

same problem here. i’ve found a way to hook everything up but as soon as you turn the wheel the wires just split apart. my only suggestion would be to use the swivel mount that was attached to the original steering wheel and somehow put that with the aftermarket hub. you would still have to wire the horn from the new wheel, but thats pretty simple. if someone tries this let me know how it works, i’ll probably never get around to it myself.

Hey dude did you install the horn yet? Let me Know. I need a horn.

93integraB I sent you an email of how I did mine. If it helps you please post the pics for the other peeps. If they dont let me know I have more pics. Its not really that hard once you figure it out. Youll be like duh why didnt I think of that LOL.


Well it seems that Tegman has introduced to me that I have the wrong hub. My sparco hub is blank on the bottom and has no hookup at all for horn and/or cruise. The momo hub he has, has three “buttons” on bottom for these. Once I get some more free time I’ll post the pics of his hub and you can see for yourself.

did anyone manage to get this photo friendly??

holy 2 year old thread batman!!

good luck with this though… :slight_smile:

well… it’s only a year and several months… but the digits are 2 years apart… hehehe :crazy: