i would like to find a set of tail lights that are all red on the top, and perfect white the bottom. that would look kick ass IMHO. anyone think that would look nice? kinda like the ones on NFS:U (the first one) that you could put on the Integra. but made for a DA of course. it could work if someone made them. just find a way to put the back up lights on the bottom (just make a new molding to move the bulb to the bottom half of the lights and on the very inside of the lights (what i mean is closer to the center of the trunk) and just use the upper half far side as a blinker. someone should make lights like that, it shouldn’t be that hard, i would do it myself if i had the materials to do it. if any companies DO make lights like this, could someone post a link? or pics of them installed? thanks alot.
i was thinking about buying these, but then decided im going to take my stock lights and clear em out. Those look kinda cheap to me plus if i clear my stock ones i just saved 100 bucks.
yeah i think they look a little cheap too. thats why i said they look “okay” at best. i sadly dont have my stock ones, i hold the rice comments i’ve already heard em have euro tail-lights on my car. i’m looking into getting 90-91 tails that have already been cleared. i’d really like a set kinda like what i described above but i’ll just have to wait i guess. not getting hopes up though.
this might sound retarded but does anyone know where i can pick up a bottle of Super Clean?
i’ve been to several stores and no one has it. autozone, advance auto, pep boys, wal-mart. no one has it. anyone know where i could pick it up DEFINATELY. like a store the almost ALWAYS carries it? thanks. pickin up a set of 91’s tomorrow and am INTENDING to use the superclean method. thanks for the help.
well I had a similar prob in CT, went to all those stores you listed, couldnt find it, but Purple Power works just the same, and you should fin it at all those stores. Just need the alkaline component of the chemical I think, and if it leaves a couple minor stains like mine did, soak in bleach for 3 -8 minutes and voula your set