Opinions on Alarms ....

There have been a few car thefts in my area recently and I am now looking into getting an alarm system.

After looking at the local shops, I basically am down to a choice between these :-

  1. Viper 300 ESP ($239)
  2. Black Widow 2800 ($170)

I’ve also seen Alpine’s and Audiovox’s for around $170. All prices are installed.

Does anyone have any experiences with these systems? I know Viper is well known, but am not sure if it is worth the extra, Black Widow has the same features and a backup battery is cheaper.

Also, what are the issues I should look out for when they install the alarm?


For the most part with alarms, you’re just paying for the brand names. I would go with whatever has the nicest remote and price. Alarms are all in the install too, so go to a very reputable shop and try not to let them have any oppurtunitys to get a hold of your address. A lot of dishonest shops install the alarm like crap, get a hold of your address, and go break into or steal your car because they know the alarm and how it was installed. If not them personally, they might be getting paid to install crappy and give criminals your address. Always somethign to think about.

Yeah I guess thats true about the installer. Has anyone had experiences with installers at BestBuy or Circuit City?

Most of the local shops here charge about $100 more than BestBuy for the same system.

there was a shop around here that was accused of making copies of keys and then stealing the cars. never give them your real address. There’s really no need for them to have it

Originally posted by PIERCE
there was a shop around here that was accused of making copies of keys and then stealing the cars. never give them your real address. There’s really no need for them to have it

Yep, they can do that too. There’s tons of ways to steal your car if you give them your address. Usually best buy and circuit city suck ass at installs and I would highlly recomend you not go to them unless you talk to the guy and he knows his crap. Most of them DON’T know their crap though. They will leave the brain just hanging there, so all you have to do is break the glass, open the door, and cut the bran out, start the car, and take off. This would probablly take about 10-20 seconds to disable the alarm, and about 30 seconds to 3 minutes to start the car and never see it again. A good install will take at least 5-10 minutes to get to the brain. It’s pretty hard to find a reputable shop that knows what they are doing. Luckilly my dad’s freind was an installer for a high end home/mobile audio and video shop for about 10 years and knows his crap like nobodys business:up: I suggest you just do a lot of research about your local shops, talk to the guys and see what their knowledge level is. If you can’t even find at least a reputable shop, just go to bb/cc and have it done there. At least they won’t steal your car.

Just thought I’d mention that this goes for system installs, too. I know of a place locally that is known by some to install stereo equipment in cars and then “reclaim” them at a later date. I doubt it was shop employees who stole the stuff, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they handed over address/info for a fee. The instance of thefts from cars after that shop worked on it was just too high to ignore. If they ask your address tell them to fvck right off. They have no right to it.

:rant: - I’ve had 2 systems stolen, and my entire car stolen once. Now I keep it in a garage, double padlocked whenever I am not driving it. I am so paranoid that I am considering buying a beater just to run errands around town. (oh, and I am sick of parking at the far far end of the parking lot :wink: )

i had a viper 600 installed not long after i got my teg. it was done back when i was still in fresno, ca and from my knowledge the shop that i had it done at is the best in town. the install is totally clean. all wires are either wire loomed or completely wrapped in electrical tape. and opening the hood will reveal nothing of the alarm…the siren was placed inside the fender were it cant be stripped out or cut. the brain i wasnt able to locate for some time until i had the remove the center console to get my stereo out. power to the brain was tapped somewhere under the dash to prevent cutting at the battery. all around protection…both doors, hood, and trunk with interior sensor and window roll up when arming. never had a problem with the alarm yet. and they never asked for any personal information.

Originally posted by 91integLS
i had a viper 600 installed not long after i got my teg. it was done back when i was still in fresno, ca and from my knowledge the shop that i had it done at is the best in town. the install is totally clean. all wires are either wire loomed or completely wrapped in electrical tape. and opening the hood will reveal nothing of the alarm…the siren was placed inside the fender were it cant be stripped out or cut. the brain i wasnt able to locate for some time until i had the remove the center console to get my stereo out. power to the brain was tapped somewhere under the dash to prevent cutting at the battery. all around protection…both doors, hood, and trunk with interior sensor and window roll up when arming. never had a problem with the alarm yet. and they never asked for any personal information.

Definatelly sounds like a competent and profesinal shop who knows what they are doing. I’d go with them

I would go with a gps unit,you can get them for as little as $500 to $1500,this sounds like alot,but Ive had 2 gen 2 integras stolen in the last 4 months.one has never been see again,most gps units,will let the company know when your car is getting stolen,then they will call the cops 4 you,then they will call you.You all so have the option to turn your car off as soon it is stolen.It also has its own battery to run off, if they cut the power on your car.You cant go wrong with one of these!!!I’m having my installed anyday now.If somebody wants one let me know,my boss has a bunch of these things.thank god hes giving me one :rockon:

I dont have a Mercedes. A GPS unit on a 13 year old car doesn’t make much sense unless you have more put into it than the value of the car itself (which is an easy feat)

Not to mention the fact that this thread is about 2 years old… :shrug:

When u get 2 cars stolen,you will get one for every car you have too.

not a 500-1500 dollar GPS…


the gps is over kill!!! :gunright: if you really want an alarm just get one of the new pager system ones that will tell you when your alarm has been set off, add the atenna if you want but, just layer your security really good! like a manual kill switch on top of your alarm. if you want to go further there are high frequency sirens that you can install inside the car. once again hide it really good. relocate you hood release cable, or get hood locks(hood pins with locks). and no matter what you try to do if someone really wants your car they will get your car! no matter what! :getsome:

But a gps alarm system in a 14yr old car is over kill. just think of some force of nature totalled your car then that gps was a total waste of money/time.

You people spend all this money on your car,and you won’t buy a gps.So what if its 13 years old,you still love your car,RIGHT!I love knowing that the next car theif that tries to steal my car,will be caught.I feel sick :vomit: knowing that somebody out there is running my gsr or my recaros. :mad: Like I said before,when you have 2 cars that have been stolen,you will put a gps in everyone of your cars.I ride quads,and now I’m putting gps’s in both of them.In my book,for the money they can’t be beet!

Just take the battery out everytime you park. Thats what I do. Damn Radio station presets.

:up: or the engine fuse