link doesn’t work
Jes the link doesnt work. Spoolinsol what the hell are you doing here on the G2 site. I thought i told you about those DEL SLOWS. BTW I’m not zip-tying I’m cable adjusting.
argh webshots=t3h gay
fuck it imagestation is being gay too, ill take care of it tomorrow
:rockon: That is sweet. Is he local ?
no idea, def not local friend of mine sent me those one day.
That ride is definitely hot.
Anybody in our PA/MD/VA crew have access to a Toe adjuster? Mine is out of whack since I readjusted my camber kit. And I don’t want to pay twice for an alignment…
macon mite have a toe ring :shrug:
I’ve been meaning to buy one. I just bought that valave adjustment tool and crank pulley remover tool. It makes life so much easier now.
Originally posted by JETSWU87
macon mite have a toe ring :shrug:
boys i have SO many toe rings. they’re a MUST for summer time accesories.
haha im so crazy.
ok im out. MWA MWA MWA
…whens the next meet, i MISS you guys. i had so much fun. i came back to town and was like so sad i didnt have my ‘posse’ anymore. i like “rollin deep”.
we turned all KINDSA heads around rockville.
Originally posted by kombo83
ah this must be carlos right.wassup.
yea man, whats going on…
Originally posted by B18Ateg
she deff. is good looking. if you come, man were going to have to ziptie you down, hittin on everyone in sight(like the girl at the drive thru).
sup man, this is tom
zipties are the greates things ever [/B]
What’s going on Tom… hope you’re taking it easy on the juice… :burnout:
allan any update on the vids?
Yow! It says 110 hours, and I have cable! Site must be slow, man!