PA/MD/VA meet 4/12/03

Ill try and get it copied on CD and make copies for everyone who wants one. :cool:

jesus 1.13 GIGS? wtf video isnt that long lol. Thats bigger then most movies you download from the net, full length movies.

5k rate doesnt help


Thats a pretty big file man. did you talk to your brother about the last vid? i’ll be emailing you later.

Originally posted by B18Ateg
Thats a pretty big file man. did you talk to your brother about the last vid? i’ll be emailing you later.

That file is HUGE… even high speed connection it’s too long to bother download… :tsk:




i wanna know where some one got those acura rims from. the ones on the black teg about 7 pictures up they re hot as hell!


Originally posted by blkdiamond91
i wanna know where some one got those acura rims from. the ones on the black teg about 7 pictures up they re hot as hell!

yes Thajazz’s wheels are nice, but youll have to ask him personally on that, dont think he’d like lettin the secret out on that one. i’ll give you a hint though, those acura center caps are a custom piece, the wheels are not from acura.

Glad you dig the rims, blkdiamond91! And Tom’s right–the center caps are from the '95 GSR fat fives. And I’m also not telling the wheels.


oh ok yeah one of my boys did that to his honda and he told me what he did , i just saw them this past weekend. its a phat idea i like it