paint question

i few days ago someone broke my passenger side mirror and now i found a used one in my area but its painted to match the car. my mirrors are just the black plastic.

my question is: if i buy the painted mirror, can i get the mirror back to just the plastic and how can i do it without messing it up?

i dont have much body work experience and dont want to pay a bodyshop to do it for me

I would do that, and just pick up some black paint. Prime then Spray both mirrors black. That way you are sure to have color matching mirrors.

Why not just have both mirrors colormatched to your car? It looks a lot nicer. If you really want to have them black though use a product called “Trim Black” it comes in a spray can and thats what would be used in the body shop. Do both mirrors so they have the same new finish. You shouldn’t have to prime them because black covers pretty well. Just wash them with regular soap (no waxes in the soap) and water, dry them, scuff them with an abrasive scotch brite pad (it’s equal to about 600-800 grit sand paper) until they are not shiney anymore then paint.

i just dont have the money to get them painted right now and i kinda like them as just the plastic, i guess it might be best if i could find some that arent painted

Whatever you do make sure you do the same thing for both sides. Itll look way better in the end.