Photo Challenge?

Anyone interested in doing a photo challenge on here?

ETA: If it’s a challenge you’re looking for, I challenge you to post a photo of your tiny penis inside a goat’s anus.


get specific if you want to do it. i like the idea. i also like armedferret’s idea

WOW ill need to find a pretty big goat :wink:
I was refering to a DA photo challenge…

Challenge 1 : Photo of YOUR integra, on a bridge.

There are already many threads of people posting their cars. Ask in one of those threads.

There’s one of these on Team-Integra. Basically a challenge is posted and whoever gets it creates the new challenge. It’s actually pretty fun as long as people come up with interesting stuff. And it can’t be an old photo nor can it be someone else’s car. Also, you have to be the one taking the picture. Might want to edit the original post and add these rules. Keeps it very interesting by making people go out and do it

From T-I:

Rules: (switched up a little since we have cars =)

  1. The picture must be taken AFTER the challenge is picked.

  2. After 3 days, the person who made the challenge can post their own picture and pick another topic.

  3. If a challenge is not met after 1 week a new topic is picked by the previous challenger winner.

  4. If a pic is in dispute, it needs 3 yes votes to be accepted.

  5. After any comment, please put the current challenge at the bottom so everyone can stay up to date.

  6. Pictures must be taken while OUTSIDE of your car.

  7. Pictures must be taken AFTER the challenge. Rare exceptions such as pictures taken on the said day BEFORE the challenge may be accepted only by 3 acceptance votes.

  8. The following types of challenges are NOT allowed:
    -action shots (any pic that the car is moving…see Rule 6)
    -challenges involving other people
    -duplicate challenges
    -illegal challenges

  9. If a picture has been posted but a new challenge has not been picked, the current challenge is still active until (a)new challenge has been picked or (b) another rider posts another picture satisfying the challenge and picks a new challenge.

Remember y’all, the intention of this game is to get out there and drive and have fun

I’m down to do this type of thing

I don’t really care for rule #1 (or #7, thusly)…

With how small of a community we have, I think things would go quicker if we could post a picture regardless of when it was taken… in place, have the rule be “You must still own the vehicle that is pictured”. That way there is a bit of leniency, while still having a realistic regulation.

Simply a suggestion… that’s how the thread on my local site is, and I think it works well since it is also a smaller forum.

Regardless, I do somewhat enjoy these types of threads.

I’m down to drop it seeing as yeah we do have a smaller community than T-I. So anyone got this one yet? Let get this going! I’m glad I’ve got a camera now haha

[QUOTE=luxlife;2279220]WOW ill need to find a pretty big goat :wink:
I was refering to a DA photo challenge…

Challenge 1 : Photo of YOUR integra, on a bridge.[/QUOTE]

If only there were an area on this board for General G2 Discussions like this one…

(hint: a lot of the folks in OT are now grown-ups and don’t drive G2’s anymore…except the site owner, and he’s a rocket scientist so he gets a pass :giggle: )

He’s right. You should just open it up to taking pictures of things that everyone is likely to have access to and picking a winner from there. Could be anything… Who takes the most interesting picture of a grain of rice, etc.

^I’m out on that one then, I don’t have a macro lens =[ lol

Lol just an example

I know it’s in the off topic thread but it would be better to keep it car related IMO. We can loosen it even more to just your car, not specifically your Integra.

I guess since this is going nowhere tomorrow I’ll get a pic of the teg on a bridge so we can get this moving along