picture request. white DA plz

I would like to see pictures of white DAs plz.

You might try searching there is plenty of them on here.

Why not for a fellow Bayarea’n

we need to try the :search: button first, there has been a lot of threads on this topic.

teg boi’s and #4 takes the cake…

would show you a pic of my da im goin to buy for 500 but you maybe goin to buy it =) haha

this is what mines look like but it now has spoon mirrors.


bump for the white teg pic thread!!

4th one down on the 2nd reply: Who’s is that? That’s looks identical to the car that got me into the g2. I also dig the one with the gold meshies.

4th picture on my post… Is Sinfulintegraxsi

Ok, Why not!

90_DA: Are those SE-37K’s?

^ no, they are just replicas… They are Konig Networks. :slight_smile:

90_DA… tight w0rk!:up:


This car been around for a while now…clean!

^ no, they are just replicas… They are Konig Networks.

They look like the real deal! I didn’t know Konig ever made a replica of the SE-37’s…learn something new every day.

93JDMDA6: Are those 15s? they’re nice.

They’re gold-painted meshies, and I want them.

93JDMDA6: do you have any pics with the spoon mirrors on?
I wanted to get the vision EF CF mirrors… but noticed that JDM shit is making a replica for the DA/DB2… sorry DB1 owners.