Please help, tranny making whining noise

im having a bit of a problem and i was hoping someone out there could help me out. Heres the story…

Last year before the snow started falling in November, me and my friends swapped a B16 into my teg with a ls tranny with a new exedy clutch and throw out bearing. It fired up first try no problems. Great, got the swap done. I put it away for the winter. A few weeks ago, me and my friends decided to fire the baby up again. It fired up, but it was making a loud whining noise. Sounds like a metal to metal whining kinda noise. It was there at start up. I had my foot still on the clutch after i started it up. When i took my foot off and had the car in neutral, the noise died down a little but you could still hear it. After some deliberating, my friend came to the conclusion that it might be the throw out bearing. Maybe it wasnt greased when we put it in… Friday, we took it out so we could take it to my friends garage to get the tranny off. I had it in my driveway ready to go, and i couldnt get into first gear, or any gear. So we got out to ponder the situation. We loosened the clutch cable and it seemed to help quite the noise down. After that, we drove the car around for a little and then up and down my drvie way, the wonder noise had gone away!! But after shutting down the car and starting it up again, it was back.

My question is this, what do you think the noise could be? could it be the throw out bearing? could it be the clutch or something in the tranny? One more thing before i forget, I drained the tranny before i took the car out to put spoon drain plug in, the fluid was rather dark and filmy. Friend said that it had shavings in it. The oil had less than two miles on it I do believe. :uhoh:

any and all help and/ or suggestions would be VERY appreciated. Im just trying to get an idea of what to look for when we pull the tranny. Thanks again in advance

sounds like you got some tranny bearings that need replacing. i had some photos somewhere of what happens if you let your bearings blow up in your transmission. i’ll try and find them.

they aren’t pretty.

tranny bearing? hmmm…

Originally posted by integy4dr
tranny bearing? hmmm…

yes, there’s bearings inside the transmission. here’s a few of them pointed out in red:

copy/paste in new window to see image

edit: made it a little more friendly. :wink:

im sorry if i offended you. Tranny bearings didnt come up in the discussions me and my friends had about what the problem might be. I highly respect your input because i read your posts a lot here on the board. I must admit trannys are not my strongest field of knowledge. I wasnt trying to imply anything. Thank you for your help.

Damn Zoomin… I can’t take u ANYWHERE can I boy? lol.

Consider this a Reporting Station… give me your reporting statement. lol.

Integy, Don’t listen to him… I think lately stress has been attacking both of us Air Force boys.

He is right tho… that tranny sounds like it’s due for a rebuild.

U didn’t say anything that would be offensive he’s just being a bitch. :stuck_out_tongue:


Originally posted by Aut0tek
Consider this a Reporting Station… give me your reporting statement.

fuckface, trainee yo’ momma reports as ordered (sir) :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe don’t sweat it integy, i just get like that some times. :wink: i still love you just the same, don’t worry. :up:

i edited the above post to reflect a kinder, gentler asshole. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol trainee yo’ momma.

Its all good man. I was a bit confused with your second response, but then i read your sig. :wink: all in good fun.

Aim high and go into the blue, Go Air Force!!! lol. i was raised in the air force. :up: dad was a captian. spent 7 years on kadena air force bace, okinawa japan.

Originally posted by integy4dr
dad was a captian.

heh mine too. :up: