post favorite pic of YOUR car, NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS

Besides matching paint? I kid I kid… :stuck_out_tongue:

Some good looking cars popping up!

More of you should make (or update) build threads. Always makes interesting reading!

[QUOTE=unified112;2305793]Besides matching paint? I kid I kid… :stuck_out_tongue:

Some good looking cars popping up!

More of you should make (or update) build threads. Always makes interesting reading![/QUOTE]
Hahaha I know right? The paint decision has been very hard on me. I can’t seem to make up my mind on a color, so until then it stays in its various shades. I’m caught between the forest green of the doors, Horizon gray, or the same color as my old EG…

Expedition green. I can’t seem to get away from this color. (another one of the rhd collection)

That color on the EG looks cool!

Very ‘custom’ in the sense that I’ve never seen a DA/DB that shade…

That being said, I myself am partial to Horizon Grey… because that’s how I roll!

Wow. I must say that car seems to have a very strait body. That quarter panel looks super smooth. The front end of my car is that color. I think that color works good with the white or grey type R wheels.

Thanks man. The paint is not OEM, and its actually a tiny bit more blue than the actual Horizon Grey paint… The HG was too purple for my liking.

I was lucky enough to end up with an extremely straight body… I stripped all the paint off, down to bare metal, and found no previous repairs or anything, so I had a perfect canvas, if you will.

There are still some body-lines that aren’t 100% but, they’ll get worked out eventually.

Agreed, gunmetal and white compliment the color very well… Though I got tired of the white and got the current blue ones.

Here’s with white

Apologies for the cellphone shots… I have no decent camera and suck at photo editing so, yeah…

Yeah, I noticed that the color was a bit off along with the side moldings being painted… Still a nice car though… I will never be able to claim OE paint. :frowning:

[QUOTE=BMXman;2305785]wow its been a while since I posted a pic of my Integra’s…currently 2 are under construction.


did you swap bumpers around? or are they both aztec green

Also has anyone tried giving you an intervention

My 92 Aztec green gsr

^^ mint!!


What the tire size on those wheels.

Me? 195/50/15

how in the world did you get snow in cali??

I live in the foothills of the mountains. It’s not common but it happens.

Lol, I almost got stranded the other day during the sleet, snow, rain and hail mix. Up north in the mountains it happens. I need to get back down south lol.

I noticed you were out cruising around in Cali on Facebook. How are you liking it? Gonna be out there long?

I live in LA now, I’ve been out here for two months. Going back for my car after the new year

Its so close to coming home an it looks so wet