post favorite pic of YOUR car, NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS


90 integra GS. Owned for 12 years. Fully restored from a ton of bondo that had a body kit molded to the car to now this… had to keep the doors, fender and quarter shaved (with metal welded not bondo) because previous owner grinded down the body lines too much…

92 Integra

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JDP front lip? Carbon fiber?

Yes a carbon fiber JDP lip

Nice! Clean and simple!

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For those who are posting pictures here to get on the G2IC social media pages, I am going on your word that you are the owner of the pictures. I cannot accept responsibility for verifying ownership of the vehicle / photo rights.

i.e. Don’t be the asshole who takes credit for someone else’s work.

That feeling when you look back at your car …


Looks great! :slight_smile:

Damn. A lot of the old pictures now have a photobucket watermark over it. You can’t see the original either via clicking on it or going to the URL :frowning: If you get through you have to search through a ton of unsorted images on the user’s page.



[LEFT][SIZE=12px]Thanks, more pics to come[/SIZE][/LEFT]

Yeah, I noticed this too searching through the many pages, maybe start a new PIC Thread?

Some pics a friend took at a meet up before cars and coffee a couple weeks back.





Car is looking great Colin, are you running the PCI side skirts?

looking good

^That picture gives me SO much anxiety! Luckily my dog knows much better than to jump up onto one of our cars.