post ur favorite G2 PICS > not dial-up friendly

My personal favorite G2. This is what my car will look like in about a month or so, exept for the front bumper.




Dayam!!! those are some nice tegs!!!

Here’s my favorite… cause it’s mine :smiley:

Jonster… Don’t you know you are not supposed to post pics just for fun? Is that shiny thing in your grill an intercooler?:open_mouth:

JJJOOONNNSSSTTTEEERRR!!! Sorry for the long intro :smiley: . Your car makes me hate mine more and more everyday, hehe. But I was wondering where you got your amber bumpers? I just went to France and I tried to get them from their Honda dealer but the way they were going to get them to me in America was wierd :rolleyes: . But if you know possibly a web site or something else to get them (my baby just wont look right when i get stanley markers and no bumper lights) it would really be helpful. TIA.

Stew :smiley:

What about those 2 pics !


Originally posted by kidenrge
[B]JJJOOONNNSSSTTTEEERRR!!! Sorry for the long intro :smiley: . Your car makes me hate mine more and more everyday, hehe. But I was wondering where you got your amber bumpers? I just went to France and I tried to get them from their Honda dealer but the way they were going to get them to me in America was wierd :rolleyes: . But if you know possibly a web site or something else to get them (my baby just wont look right when i get stanley markers and no bumper lights) it would really be helpful. TIA.

Stew :smiley: [/B]

Just paint them with Amber translucent paint. Isn’t that what you did JonesteR? Several people have done this and it looks nice. :smiley:

You want to refinish them first though to get all the grime off (see the Teg tips for this procedure)

Ugly G2 doing its dirty work. (I’m concieted) :slight_smile:

Originally posted by AMERIKAN
Jonster… Don’t you know you are not supposed to post pics just for fun? Is that shiny thing in your grill an intercooler?:open_mouth:

It is not for fun :p. Oh and that shiny thing is an FMBK. When i saw your car with the battery right on the grill, i just had to do it :smiley: Sorry had to cover it, don’t want anyone to know what battery am running ;).

kidenrge: My bumber lights are painted by none other than member SOL1D. I tried to paint them myself before but didn’t turn out right so i had SOL1D paint them. We used tamiya paint that can be found at hobby shops. It says Acrylic Paint, clear orange and X-26 on the small bottle. HTH.

I dunno who’s car this is, but it’s a nice four door!


Originally posted by kidenrge
[B]. But I was wondering where you got your amber bumpers? I just went to France and I tried to get them from their Honda dealer but the way they were going to get them to me in America was wierd :rolleyes: . But if you know possibly a web site or something else to get them (my baby just wont look right when i get stanley markers and no bumper lights) it would really be helpful. TIA.

Stew :smiley: [/B]

hehe those are ultra RARE!!! jdm 92-93 bumper lights, can’t be found anymore, me and jonster, and ntegra17 have them now :wink: :wink: :rofl:

Yes, yes I know now. Mine are how they are in Japan already :mad: . So I will have to reduce myself to painting. Wish me luck (I’m going to need it).

Stew :bow:

Originally posted by ThaJazz
[B]I dunno who’s car this is, but it’s a nice four door!



I have a 4dr as well and have wondered how my baby would look with Ace Spades. Not bad, not bad at all. What size are those?

I took this recently and it has become one of my favorites… hehehehe

I love all of those integra’s…all are very clean…hope u guys like my car’s new pics…=)


few favs of mine…i have other g2s but not on a server to show… but few of mine

a lot of people liked this pic when i posted it awhile ago

hmm all these pics are almost the same lol but diff lighting :slight_smile: i like the passenger side of my car better haha is it me or im wierd and think my car has a better side :uhoh:
