power locks

is it normal to have to pull the driver side ‘door open handle’ as i push my lock down? is that some sort of safety so i dont lock my keys in by accident?

i think its normal… my family 94’ accord does that too… but wouldn’t really know as i don’t have power lock in the car yet??

yeah its normal i have to do it to mine ever time i get out . Oh and i have pwr locks

Yes, its a way to keep yourself from being locked out of the car.

I still manage to lock myself out of mine.

ok thanks guys, i was just worried that it would screw up my alarm instal but it went fine!

Yes, it is normal for most hondas (when the door is open). If you are testing your power locks using the alarm you gotta hold the handle up, but this only applies if the door is open. When you arm your car wth the alarm it would be done with the door closed so it would be OK.