
ok i fixed the clutch relay button by cutting out the button all together.
This morning i go to start my car and i have no power. i jump my car and go to autozone and check my battery, it holds a charge but has a low crank number.
so I leave autozone and every time i hit my brakes my car die, no power to start and has to be jump again.

plz tell me what i should be looking for.

check grounds?

thank you sir.

why would you take out teh clutch pedal switch? its easier to replace the plug ( or do the penny trick) in the clutch arm.

thnx for all replies, the switch wasn’t working, and needed a quick fix.

i checked a few grounds and cleaned them up. still have the power problem. when i am at idle, i can hit the brakes and my dash lights will dim but car doesn’t die. same for turning on headlights. if i turn on a turn sig, the lights fade to the signal light, sort of strobe. any grounding points someone can point me to??

plz help lol