Prayers please

Two nights ago while delivering a patient to the hospital, my brother (paramedic / firefighter) suffered a severe stroke. My other brother (also a paramedic / firefigher) was at the right place at the right time and managed to intervene, saving his older brother’s life. He’s currently in ICU where a drainage tube has been placed to relieve inter-cranial pressure. Although the procedure was text book and his vitals are as good as they’re going to get for now, we’re asking for everyone’s prayers.

I’ve lost friends, I’ve lost my grand parents…but the thought of losing my brother is the hardest thing I’ve had to deal with. If any part of you believes in God, please say a prayer for him, his wife, two kids and our family. Thanks.

my thoughts and prayers man, i often think about if i were to ever lose one of my siblings, i’d be lost. i hope everything goes well man

Thoughts and prayers as well from a fellow firefighter/EMT

Having had a stroke 6 months ago, I know what you are going through. I hope he pulls through. It sounds like he received immediate medical care which makes all the difference.

Thanks brother. We’re having a charity concert for him in about three weeks. The outpouring of support is overwhelming.

dave im hoping for a speedy recovery!

Ditto from Canada

good luck and get well to your brother

Thanks guys. He’s moving in the right direction for sure. Not much use of his right side other than making a fist but his left is operable. He opened both eyes over the weekend and gave me a smirk. Sigh…miss my brother out and about.