well. starting now, the overhaul begins iwth research.
first, the front bumper is new, 92-93 style. i put it on the day igot it, with new foam and support. well its doesnt line up with the headlights, cuz its been in who knows what before i owned it. so im going to have the bodyshop make the frontend look like new too. before i takeitto them
what all parts are essential to the front end lining up and looking correct?
i have the bumper cover.
is there anything other than the cover, support, and foam, that goes in that area?
such as small trim. anything between the bumper and headlights. ect.
i hope u get hte idea of what imgetting at.:think:
yep, there’s a rubber piece that goes along the bumper underneath the headlights… is the bumper OEM? or aftermarket? if it’s aftermarket, have fun trying to make it fit perfect
GOOD! :)…but yeah, you’ll need those rubber linings that goes underneath the headlights…it attaches to the bumper cover… it fills that gap up pretty good and mkes it look good.