
I need to buy a new radiator. I guess I’ll need something that will last forever and cool better then stock. Do I have to drop 400$ for a fluidyne or something, or do I have better options? Thanks,
Yuriy :sipread:

Depends what you want to do. If you’re not going to do hardcore upgrades, I’d suggest looking at Modine. I replaced the stock plastic one back around 1999 or so with this brand, and it is still working well. Unless they changed designs, it was all metal construction so it shouldn’t fall apart like the OEM. Plus it has a lifetime warranty I believe.

Yeah just find the all-metal ones.

I got a brand new all metal radiator with a lifetime warranty at a local junkyard for like 70$. So you dont really need to spend alot. As long as its not plastic it will last alot longer than stock.

:slight_smile: Grabbed an all metal koyo or denso or some shit for 120$ Fine for me. thanks.