rear hatch mods

has anyone ever flipped their hatch glass over and sat it on the hatch to see what it looks like? i am curious to see if i can modify a hatch in such a way so that i get the look of an s13 2 door (as opposed to the 3 door/ integra 3 door. Just curious to see if anyone has done this or knows what i mean. it is hard for me to explain it so i apologize in advance for the description…

I think I get what your saying…

the hatch glass is normaly like (
And you want to flip it so it’s like ) :think:

Persoanlly I think it’d just look funny… Cause the hatch glass is sorta convex…if you were to flip it over it’d sink in…

The other thing also is that the frame of the hatch that gives the hatch rigidity is right under the glass. If you could flip the glass, the only way to mount it to the hatch is to cut out the frame. You’ll then be left with just the shelf on which the spolier and rear wiper is mounted. What you could consider is shortening glass and lengthening the shelf such that they meet at more or less at the point where that rear deck between the speaker hinges (you can then trim that rear deck at the hinge line). Something nice to think about, but looks like a nightmare to implement.

that’s exactly what i was thinking (lengthening the rear panel and trimming the glass. Hmm… i wonder if anyone has ever thought to do this…

wait, this is gonna sound stupid, but do 4 door integras have hatches? i have never bothered to notice…

thats the spirit!
4 doors baaaaddd
2 doors gooooddd

no 4 doors just have a trunk:bang:

hmmmmmmmmmm maibe 4 door back onto a 2 door… would make for an interesting combination…

If you can put it together and make it look good, I’d like to see it. I’m interested in what this might look like in person (not just in a photoshop).

i was looking at some 4 doors and it seems that if i were to do this, the car would look like an old civic (89’) that do you think?? got my inspiration from the 4 door pics on the forumz…

I always imagined it to look somewhat like an 88-91 Prelude without the silly flip-up headlights.



The hatch is also a factor in how air flows over the car. If you flip the glass over, it will greate a vortex and most likely move the center of pressure closer to the car, making the rear end less stable at speed.

lexan is your friend.

i was thinking of doing that… i am gonna try to get a hatch and fill it in with metal. i guess the back glass will be lexan. i was thinking of getting parts off a 4 door and seeing if there is any way that they can be made to fit… it will kinda look like the prelude…hmmmmmm. the glass flipping thing was to see how it would look. merely speculation as a start. ideas cant be completely perfect out of the box all the time, right?

this is a dumb idea. buy a prelude. oh and hack up the hood of it while your at it.

someone photoshopped a trunk on a 2dr it looked like a s13

right. then ur name would be krazeteggie.