Rear quarter panal damage

The other day I went over to my buddies house and parked on the street. I came out 3 hours later to find that my car had been hit and run. After filing the police report and insurance claim (insurance isn’t giving me anything for it) I am stuck with a severly injured drivers side rear quarter panal and nobody paying for it but me. I don’t have a lot of money so I want to do the work myself.

My question is, is it possible to replace the rear quarter panals? What does that entail?

I’ll try to get some pictures up in the next couple days. I’m still brewing with rage so it may take some time…

Thanks in advance.

I have done rear quarter panel repair’s before (its a bitch!), But i havent done replaceing myself, But i have seen it done.

You have to cut off the old panel, Weld on the new one, Sand it down smooth… Fill in the welds with bondo…

You really really have to be skilled to replace the quarter panel or else your fucked with missing a huge chunk of car.

But yea… Post pictures!.


damn that sucks bro! i have a pretty bad dent in that exact same spot. let me know how much it costs you to get it fixed b/c i would really like to fix myn.

Right at the fucking edge.

I highly recommend taking it to a professional on that one, Because either way you fix it, It’s going to be a bitch if your actually able to do it.

Sorry to see that man, your teg looked pretty clean. If you did want to replace the whole thing you would have to drill out all the spot welds and maby even cut out a few spots. Then weld in the other 1/4. In other words, ALOT OF WORK. I would have a professional look which will suck scence you have to pay for it out of your own pocket. Good luck though.

Holy crap, that sucks. That same thing happened to me right before my first Teg went to the boneyard (for other damages) and the person fucking hit and ran as well. That just pisses me off. I hope you can fix that!

Schoonover (good body shop in town) quoted me at 2500-3000. They said they would need to replace the whole panal.

My teg was fairly clean, very little rust (even though its been a MN car its whole life) The only rust on the car is visible in the last pic. the hatch is a different color, I have a new hatch and spoiler that I was going to have sprayed in the spring.

The worst part is how it folded out the door jamb… :frowning:

Fucking hit and run. Every time I go to get into the car its still a shock to see it like that…

btw I’m 18 and trying to put myself through college, so I can’t afford 2500-3000…

dependin how u had it parked…looks like a neighbor across the street backed out into it or something…def find out and investigate a little bit…

then thro a damn rock threw their windsheild…

no color damage or nothing.>>???

theres 4 lines of bits of black plactic stuck to my car, and my paint has chipped off in some areas.

There was a white jeep cherokee parked down the street the next day when I went back to investigate. it had damage to the right side of the front bumper, where a black lined plastic piece was pushed in a fair amount. I called the cops over but when the officer arrived and walked over to the jeep the piece had mysteriously vanished, and nobody answered the door. I had to walk back io my buddies house to place the call and we think that in that time the fuckin weasel went out and pulled it off and probably threw it away. The officer did a height test and it was the right height, and the drivers side of the jeeps bumper had a piece that would cause that kind of damage.

Problem is I have no proof.

Have someone claim to be a witness :stuck_out_tongue:

Have someone claim to be a witness

sounds like a good idea…

woop some ass

at least confront them…make em feel like an ass

Holy crap, that’s really bad. I hope you get it fixed properly.

I can’t afford to have it fixed properly. I’m going to do my damndest with a dent puller and a rubber mallet. I don’t own welding equiptment, nor do I know anybody who does.

hey, same thing happened to me. (not hit and run), but same spot. it is a bitch. i’m just buying another gen 2 chassis and swapping ALL my stuff over…fully built LS/v, sparco interior, susp., wheels, brakes ect… it is almost always cheaper with our cars to just buy another chassis, as opposed to having it fixed for 2 to 3 thousand dollars. i can buy a non-running shell for 500. i feel your pain dude. what goes around comes around. they’ll get theirs!!!

I had consitered this as well. I have yet to find one around here thats worthy though. I found one on the forsale/wanted forums here but it doesn’t run and I don’t even want to know how much it would be to tow it here from halfway across the states…

thanks for all the input people, its too bad this had to happen to my baby.