Received new carpet swatches

It looks like there’s only one manufacturer of new molded carpet: ACC, and it’s sold via multiple websites. I received some swatches from

I was going to go with straight black but I ordered additional colors because there was a max of 10.

There’s “OEM” (cutpile) and “Essex”. The Essex is ultra plush and more dense. Every single one of the swatches pill like crazy; I rub my fingers into it and lots of fibers come out. I’m going to email them to find out what the deal is because I was not expecting this at all and definitely don’t want to drop $300 on something that’s going to be throwing out nylon dust into the car. Perhaps it just needs a lot of vacuuming before install. I’ll report with info as I get it.


I haven’t received a response as of this post.

I vacuumed both black samples to get rid of the “excess”. Then, I pinched the center of both swatches and pulled, to try to get some fuzz out. I got nothing from the “oem-style” thinner carpet, but got several strands from the “essex” more plushier one.

Then I tried it again on both. Nothing from oem, many from essex.

More from essex.

Still more.

I can imagine a fluff ball every time you vacuum the car using the essex, so I’m thinking it is NOT worth the extra cost if you’re just going to end up vacuuming it up every cleanup.

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the material is so thin. You can see right through it

Which one are you referring to?

Just the samples in the pic. Unless i am seeing the backing of the carpet

nah, you can’t see the backing of the carpet in the samples. I’ll try to get a pic of the sample next to the OEM carpet in a non-worn spot.

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I bought the new carpet today. From I hope to install it 4-5May but I’m not sure when it will arrive.

Carpet is here. I hope to install this weekend. Comparison pix soon.

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I won’t have time to do the carpet because I actually need some additional tools: chalk, carpet cutter (that mass backing is really thick as you can see in the comparison thickness pic.

I’m happy with how it looks so far but I’ll admit the cutting and installation process WILL BE DAUNTING. The padding underneath is also VERY thick.

The bright Florida sun messed with the lighting :-/

OEM underside

NEW underside

Thickness comparison: OEM left.

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I got the same carpet, also from Stock Interiors. I wish you better luck than I had with mine, Neil. I cut mine wrong, so will get to buy another one. That mass-backing sounds nice. It sure does make installation a much bigger pain.

I’m sure it does. I’m hoping to lay the OEM carpet over it and then outline the holes with chalk, then do the cuts. I know it will take several hours.

I just ordered the same carpet as well so wish me luck.

This is a slow process due to my lack of time.

I outlined the holes in chalk, but it didn’t help much. Pulling and tugging the carpet into position is a real pain. I’m getting old and my back hurts like hell.

The mass backing, while it adds weight and overall quality of the carpet, also makes it a lot more difficult to work with vs the OEM carpet without the mass backing. Trying to cut holes for the driver’s seat was very difficult. The additional thickness added to the “formed” spots meant that the seats needed to be pushed down a lot (the Mrs pushed on the seat) to get the correct positioning for the holes while making sure all the other spots stayed in the correct position throughout the car. I’ve only done this part and not cut out anything else nor secured anything else. I don’t have a feel for if the mass backing makes a difference to cabin sound.

Right now, I don’t recommend the mass backing due to how difficult it is to work with and cut, but I’ll review it again once I’ve completed the interior cutouts and installed everything else.

I finally got this thing installed yesterday. It was a truly a chore. The lack of forming by the door jambs also sucked. I am happy with the result, but it still needs tweaks here and there.

Did you use a steamer when trying to get the “formed” areas to lay in? I just did Carpet in my 66 bug and the steamer worked wonders

No i didn’t. I don’t see how the steamer work have worked because the mass backing was so thick.

I used some butyl tape by the door jambs.

Yikes that is thick, Is the backing a seperate piece that the carpet is glued to? I need to look the product up…

It’s an add on when you order it. You can’t remove it once it’s applied. It’s definitely high quality but makes install a lot more difficult.