red line

Hi everybody.
Recently I chaged fuel filter and added an extension to my air intake to make it a cold air in my teg.
Now, couple of days ago i was doing some 0-60 runs and i noticed before I could go into the red line and the car would still pull nicely but now I can feel a tremendous loss of power as soon as it hits the red line. (Before it would climb strong in the red line untill the engine would shut off)
Could anyone tell me what can it be? (I have 230k km on the engine, I am guessing that the engine is just too old and worned out, if thats what it is then how long will it last?)

that would be you pressing in the clutch =P

between what rpms are you feeling a loss?

Perhaps resetting the ecu will help, the change may have been to much for the ecu to change to deal with it. I read about something like this the other day… ask more people first tho.

You should try replacing your cap & rotor, spark plugs and spark plug wires for now. It sounds like an ignition related problem to me, and that could be the cause right there.
