Regardless of your feelings on the gun control issue.

There should be laws requiring people to obtain licenses for computer purchases and internet access.

A poster on a local board kept outlining a plan to pretty much “ban all guns” and mentioned “super ammo” a bunch of times.

I replied with “what exactly is super ammo?”

This was the response:

"I’m not sure how others use it. Perhaps hollow point and bullets designed to cause massive injury like the kind of bullets used in Sandy Hook.

However, when I use the term (which I thought I made up but just googled and see it’s out there already), I’m talking about ammunition that is high volume. So a shooter can use thirty bullets at a time for instance. "

Full disclaimer. I am not pro-gun. I am not anti-gun. Around the time of the Virginia Tech shootings I took a giant step back from my “BAN ALL GUNS” stance to think about both sides of the argument. I realized that there is no 100% correct answer. There are some valid points made by both sides and owning a gun isn’t for me (especially in NJ where gun restrictions are tight and even if I killed a home invader or other perp there is a good chance I’D be doing time or get sued ala Bernie for a few billion - scaled to reflect inflation)

With that being said, if I was going to rally against something I knew little about (especially if I was pushing for lawmakers to “ban” this thing) I might spend a little bit of time learning about it. I’m not saying that one needs to be a master of the subject but for the love of god know the basics. 5 minutes on google or wikipedia. ANYTHING. This board is the local message board of a middle class (for NJ, affluent by other standards) NYC suburb that prides itself on its Liberal values, diversity, and having “educated” creative types.

Don’t worry John, Piers Morgan is here to save the day and educate everyone with his extensive knowledge on the subject. After living in “gun-free” Britain nearly all his life (save for when he’s filming TV things in America), he’s become an expert on an unbelievably wide array of subjects.

He had a guy on the other day with whom this was the exchange:

Guy: “Piers, as a retired Sheriff’s Deputy with almost 30 years’ experience, I believe I may know a bit more than you when it comes to law enforcement.”

Morgan: “Really? Are you sure about that?”

So don’t worry buddy. Everyone’s learning everything they need to know from the media. How could they POSSIBLY report anything other than 100% fact?!?!?!

Thought you’d get a kick out if it. :smiley:

I do not want to engage in this thread. However, I do want to mention that I’m going to have a stroke the next time I hear someone ask how many bullets it takes to kill a deer, or anything along those lines. I’m sure I’ll be dead before I even wake up tomorrow.

FUCK GUN CONTROL!!! Enough said, Guns do not think or know right from wrong. It sickens me to hear about taking away our 2nd admendment, if they do that why would they stop there? Not to take away from what happened on 12-14-2012 since I live 10 minutes away from Newtown and I have kids of my own, but a vehical can be use to kill as well lets take them away? Their isn’t a easy fix for this but disarming good US citizens isn’t the answer either! My oipinion is to arm every Man and Woman, if this pussy ass kid would have shot through the window to gain access to the school he wouldn’t have made past that point and we still would have these beautiful wonderful children on earth to this day!!! Just Saying!

Stu, what are you getting at ? Why is someone asking about “how many bullets… ?” I’m not watching the news anymore because my brain hurts.

Neil, people who hate guns seem to believe that hunting is the sole reason for gun ownership. So they say stupid things like, “What do you need a 30 round clip to kill a deer for?” For some reason, hunting is the only sport that anti-gun are willing toaccept as legitimate. Suffice it to say that anyone who brings up hunting while discussing gun legislation, clearly has no business in the conversation.

It would be like sitting in on a meeting about commercial airline safety standards, and bringing up the movie ratings of the in-flight films.

I’ve never experienced “a hunt”, but I have a few friends that do it. I think it’s a good skill to know, but I … don’t GET why you’d want to do it other than that, i.e. a “sport”. It is what it is and I leave it alone.

I used to be all for gun control until someone told me “criminals don’t follow laws”, and it seemed like such a DUH situation to me afterward, that I went to “the other side”.

At the fundamental level, there’s a discipline problem in the entire planet. I see us moving closer to Idiocracy every day.

My shuttle is ready.


Stupid fucking people are.

I’m so sick of all this bullshit I could puke all over my desk.

x2 on Idiocracy^^^

Guy in China went on a stabbing spree a few days ago and killed a bunch of children. Where’s the knife control legislation?

It was illegal to take a gun onto school grounds, and it was illegal to murder all those children. They should make it MORE illegal so people don’t do it anymore…

I believe the last 66 mass shootings in america, all the perpetrators were on some form of SSRI. Most scientists would take a step back and say “wait a fucking minute…there might be a connection there…” but of course, it’s guns that are the problem. :tapfing:

of course, maybe if we just banned firearms altogether like Piers Morgan wants us to do (because HE knows what’s best), we wouldn’t have to worry about home invasions at 2:30 in the morning. they’d just do it during the day like they do in Britain.

Also, (unsurprisingly) the media has completely failed to mention that Connecticut already has an “Assault Weapon” ban in place that mirrors California’s law, which is also more strict than the federal ban that ended in 2004. I am still waiting to hear what happened to the 2 other people that were apprehended both nearby in the woods, and on school grounds. It is also nice to see someone else mention the SSRI connection.

I blame Junkman entirely for the cop-out of just saying “oh there’s something wrong, we don’t know what it is though…let’s just try different pill combinations till we get it right!”

LoL. Blame the doctors who get free steak dinners and tickets to yankees games from the strippers , i mean drug reps. I’m just “following orders” when I fill an rx. I tell people all the time , don’t ask your doctor about gleemox tell your doctor what your symptoms are and that you’d like to avoid medication if possible.

So was my great-great-uncle, Heinrich Himmler.

Currently i don’t put pills in bottles just medications into drug dispensing machines in OR suites.

You’re no different than Heisenberg. Or Tuco. Predator.

If only the first victim(nancy lanza) was a gun owner she could have stopped it from the start. :rofl:

If they are going to make owning guns illegal, they need to make drugs illicit drugs illegal too.

Illicit drugs are legal? :stare:
Lol nevermind