Remembering Chris Vang (90_DA)

the photos i took that day

Thanks for posting that up.

Very Nice Pictures, thanks for sharing.

sorry. not trying to open old wounds. was just looking at a pic of my old da and remembering my last encounter with him. he sold me the mugen rep front half bumper. i don’t think he even got a chance to see it on there and painted. which was a shame because while i didn’t know him as well as others may have, i do know how much he really loved these cars. he was always not just willing, but eager to hook up help with them. and judging by his character, safe to assume that’s how he was with everything. it is honestly a trait that’s few and far between these days.
anyways, like i said not trying to open old wounds. i know losing anyone is hard. but losing someone who posseses the qualities he did. especially at a young age. i don’t know if the grieving ever stops.
i hope it’s not inappropriate. was just thinking of him and felt like sharing


Welfare- I don’t think you’re opening old wounds. Its good to reflect on someone so important to this community. I never meet Chris, but I followed his builds and felt like I lost someone close to me when this thread first came out. The G2IC community won’t forget Chris, it’s few and far between to find members that have been near and dear to the DA for a long time. His advise, knowledge and kindness is surely missed here.

right back atcha bud! :slight_smile:

yea, i guess to be totally honest, i mean i only met him a few times, but i’ll still think of him occasionally and remember what a swell guy he was. i know though, for people that were closer, tight friends and family, they probably still think of him damn near, if not, every day. and i feel for you guys. really i do. i guess all you can really do is remember them though. and maybe try not to focus on the fact that they’re not here in body, but more on the fact that we were lucky enough to have a guy like chris around while he was.

Indeed, he is missed by all.

I used to drool all over Chris’s car. thanks for the new pics to bring me back to those good old times. R.I.P. C!