Remembering Chris Vang (90_DA)

I think we need to post our positive pictures, videos, and comments about Chris Vang. If you have any pics or vids of him, post them up! I’ll start.

Chris, you lit up the world and everyone around you. If I can take some of your qualities and make them my own, I know I will be a better person for it.

I only had the opportunity to know Chris through a few emails, but he was kind enough to answer every email I sent. He seemed to be a very kind and generous person. I only wish I had the chance to know him personally. I have been keeping up with his “Christopher Vang Missing (90 DA)” thread and have read all that people have posted. I can tell from what has been written, that Chris was a great person and friend to many. He seemed to be extremely helpful to many with their DA’s and if it hadn’t been for his graciousness and knowledge, many would not have figured out how to solve their DA issues. I am inspired from what I have read about Chris not only in his characteristics but also inspired by his DA’s. His DA’s alone are what inspired me to get back into the DA world after almost a decade. I pray that you are in a good place Chris and I pray for your friends,family,and close loved ones.

While I have no pictures of Chris, I do have some pictures of his Black DA6 that has inspired me. These are just some of my favorites.


RH_IntegraXSi (2).jpg

You know, I never met anyone who loved the da like this guy. Seriously. He had a bloody fleet of them. Ha. He would buy them just to rescue and nurse them back to health. I think that’s another reason why he was so helpful to members. He really wanted others to love the car like he did.

My all time fav teg meet vid:

he did an amazing job with this… haha i still remember at the end he almost crashed and caused a teg pileup because he was too busy taking the vid and not paying attention xD

This is so sad. even though I never met chris, the few emails I exchanged with him really gave that same impression I got from his post here. not only did he have some of the cleanest DA’s he was always willing to offer a helping hand and a positive comment and friendly attitude. something we should all try to emulate. my condolences to his close friends and family. I know he will be greatly missed! there and here!!

Rest In Peace my friend!!!

I have sooo many pictures we took together… ill try to pick a few of my favs…

My very first meet… my teg was ugly as hell but he still made me come lol:

Cypress (best meet ever):


Couple from our mini meets:

Rest in Peace buddy. The best friend a guy could ever ask for. May your spirit live on in all of our hearts, and in every integra around the world <3

Nice pics Riley. That night photoshoot brings back such good memories. Chris always loved picture time! And cypress annual g2ic meets we always had a good time. I forgot about the vid when we all tested out our abs. Man chris and us had such a good laugh afterwards lol.

I’ll post up what I find on my desktop and camera. Should be some good ones.

Mike just gave me the info for the memorial service:

Sunday, October 16 8am-12am(midnight) - visitation period to pay respects to Chris.
Monday, October 17 8am-12pm(noon) - visitation, and after 12pm the procession and burial.

Paolo, are you arranging the meet thread? If so the Sunday is a better day, as more members should be able to make it. If not let me know and I can post a meet thread.

This is the saddest thing. I’ve never meet Chris or had the luck of exchanging emails, but he’s been an inspiration to me with g2’s. His knowledge was like no other for these cars and he always was willing to help on posts. And to see how many lives he’s touched through friends and even in just our small community I could only wish to do half that and be happy. RIP

Heres some pics from my first 604 meet with chris, i cant remember why i was taking so many photos of chris but we were laughing really hard about something and we were having a great time

him letting me sit inside his car

heey i remember that meet! i was there but as chris’ passenger :stuck_out_tongue:

Mike just gave me the info for the memorial service:

Sunday, October 16 8am-12am(midnight) - visitation period to pay respects to Chris.
Monday, October 17 8am-12pm(noon) - visitation, and after 12pm the procession and burial.

Paolo, are you arranging the meet thread? If so the Sunday is a better day, as more members should be able to make it. If not let me know and I can post a meet thread.[/QUOTE]

not that its the greatest time of year to be having a teg meet but i think we should set one up. might as well do it this day… hopefully its not raining. we can do another big one next summer when we actually have some nice weather. is someone gonna post this in the meet thread?


Dead link, fix this for Chris and you.


very sad for what happened to chris. at least he was doing something he loved when it happened. hes is in a better place now looking down on his families and friends. R.I.P chris

“Facebook page”

Oliver Lee

This has been a very tragic and a painful time for Vang family. Lets hope that no one else has to endure the loss of a loved one, a son, a brother, and a friend. Together, we can draw awareness to the perils of a river like the fraser/chilliwack by putting together funds as well as manpower to lobby legislators to change our river bylaws.

Even though we have lost chris in our physical lives, Chris may be invariably present, so he may still be able to help send a life line to someone else in need.

To do this we have started the Chris Vang preservation of life (foundation) account to raise funds to help the vang family and others who have lost someone in the river. Proceeds will go towards the victim’s families and a campaign to toughen our river safety bylaws.

Help make this a possibility, so that we can give someone the chance Chris never had.

Thank you all

good to see everyone out there today. look forward to seeing some of the pics. g2ic isnt just a car club its a family :slight_smile:

HUGE meet next year lets do it boys :burnout:

Thanks to all that come out to support us at our time of grievance.

To those that are interested here is the link to the tribute video for Christopher Vang.

There is another video laying out his passion for his cars. It is a vision of things through his own eyes, made possible by his love of taking pictures. (will be posted up shortly)