removing the a/c

I am looking to get rid of the whole air conditioning system off of my 93. what I am wondering is when I remove the compressor will I have to replace the bolts that go into the block. I am going to run into leaks or anything like that? Is it wise to get rid of the condensor? And more importantly is it worth it in the terms of power gain and weight loss?

my general rule of thumb is… if its broken get rid of it if u wouldn’t even use it 10 days out of the year. i dunno where u live so i dunno what the weather is like. but no once u remove the compressor and the bracket u do NOT have to replace the bolts in there. u’ll need to remove the lines that go to the condensor tho, and also the high pressure lines (bronze looking ones). u can at least get rid of everything in the engine bay, but u don’t really need to get rid of the stuff under the dash.

getting rid of the a/c components makes it convenient to work on the engine BECAUSE it frees up so much space. weight savings don’t really make that much of a difference if u haven’t bothered pulling much other stuff out. and if u don’t track the car, then getting the potential out of the car isn’t necessary.

Go4Broke: put a proper location in your profile

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.

Sell me the a/c parts

hehe. i just finished putting in all the parts today, except my dumbass forgot to stop by the parts store n get the belt. once i get the belt on, ima purge it, then add necessary oil due to it being BONE FREAKING DRY, then retrofit it… then pull vacuum, then charge the s.o.b. and hopefully i’ll have FULLY functioning a/c in my db1, something it never had since i bought it.