Rewired fog puzzle

My fogs were rewired to work as said in the teg tips, but some time ago they stopped goin on for some reason. No fuse problems so i pull it apart and tried to rewire it as stock where they go on only wit the headlights. And to my surprise it works. Dose anyone have any idea why they dont wanna work rewired anymore.

EDIT: And this is only part of my puzzle my power mirrors and climate controls buttons and lites dont work.

umm… sorta like the same problem…
some of my lights on the a/c controls dont light up… and some do… and the “d” light on my gauge cluster area thing doesnt come on… other do…

It could be that whatever wire you used to rewire was to small gauge and it melted away, thats what happened to me, with regards to your climate control, mine don’t work unless I press and hold them multiple time, It’s not a bother to me yet. Your power mirrors…I recommend either starting from scratch and rewiring them, or take it too a local power or alternator shop and they’ll do it.

i dont have a problem with mine not lighting up also. but it jus sucks knowing that the lights dont go on… :smiley: they come on when i press and hold the button hard a bit… but this only happens to 2 of the buttons…