RPM Gauge Not Working!

Hi my rpm gauge is not working properly, most of the time now it’s just on 0 but sometimes it flusters and tries to work. It used to work all of the time and fluster sometimes, now it’s never working!! do i need to take out the cluster or what’s the best approach to fixing this? thanks!

Hell yea to newfoundland!! Check your distributor plugs and make sure that they are firmly plugged in

I had this same problem when I sprayed down my engine bay to clean it.
Follow this: http://g2ic.com/tegtips/engine/10.html
Mine threw no code, but this still fixed it.

I just did a obd0 to obd1 conversion and had to change over to obd1 distributer, brand new with cap on it…still my indash tachometer does not work!! is there a wire on back or a cable that spins?

The tach is electronic, [wire not cable] it is a blue lead from distributor assembly into tach.

Do you have a multimeter?
If not, borrow or buy one, you can use the meter to test the blue tach lead, it can also test the ground and power going to the tach. 94

thanks that’s exactly what i needed to know, next step is how to take the dash out without hurting it

take the dash out
??? 94