RS lip...held in like stock lip??

For all of you rs lip owners… how is it put on bolted to where the stock lip is??.. over the stock lip??.. screws?? thanks

I guess you forgot that your good old Mr. Eric here in miami has a wings west lip . my is held on with double side tape

Of course i remember u bro… i just wasnt sure if u only used double sided tape… how long has it been on and has it held up well… lookn into buying this lip… if i can find it…lol

I have the same question, I have this full kit coming in a couple of days, and I like to know whats the most secured way of installing the kit without molding-it-on, screwing it on, reev-it- on?

how about the sides?

and the rear?

I only have the front lip as of now but can you say OEM kit i think i tracked one down. here the front lip on my car. The car was dirty as hell in that pic.