running wires to the doors

Hello everyone, I recently bought a 91 LS and would like to add power door lock actuators in both doors. I have to run wires into the doors and was wondering if anyone had done this before and would like to share some tips to make it easier for me. I think the hard part would be to feed the wires through the rubber tube between the door and frame. Anyone would like share their expertise? Thanks

I couldn’t use those molex connectors (the hard plastic part that’s in the door)… so I drilled a small hole in the door frame to run wires. I used a hot-glue gun to fill the hole, waterproof it, and protect the whole thing. Then, just use black split-loom tubing to hide the whole thing. CLEAN.

I noticed you’re from East Bay… I’m in San Jo’… lemme know if you need help.

Thanks for the offer, but I got the speaker wires and power lock actuator wires through the rubber tube and the molex connector. I popped out the molex and drilled a hole and ran the wires through it. Only half of the molex was used for plug-ins to the power windows and rearview mirrors. Actually. I had a couple of 10 year old neighborhood monkeys with skinny hands fish the wires through the tube and molex. Now we’re just waiting on the pizza while they drool over my porno magazines. Beer me.

Originally posted by high-up
… Actually. I had a couple of 10 year old neighborhood monkeys with skinny hands fish the wires through the tube…

:rofl: so THAT’S the tool I needed. Damn. I need to keep that power-drill away from easy-to-reach places…